Local SEO for Good 2024 - Virtual Conference

13 top speakers | 9 amazing sessions | 1 incredible day

Jenny Bernarde

Jenny Bernarde

Jenny looks after the BrightLocal community, through managing our social media channels, connecting with our community, and producing our online webinars.

Jenny has written 54 articles

Expert Focus Blog Header

Expert Focus: AI and Local Search

AI has officially entered the chat. In the last few months, we’ve seen a dramatic acceleration of generative search added to search engines, online products and services, and as SEOs, ...

June 22nd, 2023
7 min read
Blog Header Crop

Local Search Clinic with Stefan Somborac

Replay the Local Search Clinic with Stefan Somborac (Founder, Consultant, and Platinum Google Product Expert)! He answered questions on GBP set up, verification, optimization and features. Plus we talked about local search across a multitude of industries.

June 21st, 2023
Blog Teaser

Local Search Clinic with Elizabeth Rule

Replay our Local Search Clinic with Elizabeth Rule, SEO Analyst at Sterling Sky. We had questions about GBP verification and optimization, as well as AI and location pages. Plus, Elizabeth shared her inside knowledge on how to become a Google Product Expert.

March 14th, 2023